5 Steps to recover from bad experience seamlessly.

"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it." Is there anything right now in your life that makes you feel UNHAPPY? Could you change your thoughts about it? I get it. When we are in the middle of an event/situation that makes us feel very unhappy, it's hard to think of happy thoughts and become happy! Especially when we experienced injustice, hurt, betrayal, or some kind of shock. We are trying to make sense of it but it's hard..... Here are a few things you can try to do to support your emotional well-being:

1. Be gentle and compassionate to yourself. Allow yourself to process everything that you are going through. 2. Journal, let all the hatred, anger, frustration, hurt, and disappointment out. It works in the same way as decluttering your house. If you keep piling up things on top of each other, everything gets messy and the same happens to your inner space. Suppressing pain leads to little relief and no shift. You will get stuck going over and over again about the same things instead of moving forward. Learn the lesson and move forward.

3. Talk to your friends. Let them hear you. Let out everything ready to leave.

4. Find a therapist if you want to have a confidential space, where you can talk. Hear yourself loud and gain perspective from the person who isn't involved in the situation/issue.

5. More than ever take care of your body, mind, and soul. In moments like this, you will have very little desire to pamper yourself but this is when you need it the most.

Why? Because what you eat influences how you feel and what you think and other self-care rituals like; yoga, meditation, walk in nature help you to regulate brain chemistry responsible for the "good feeling" factor.

Lastly, know that there is a " silver lining" in each, even the most difficult experience. Try to find it. There is a hidden precious lesson for you in this experience. You may not see it yet but you will soon. And never forget that nothing EVER is permanent, and so this too shall pass.

Does it resonate with you? Or maybe you want to share your thoughts? Or your current challenge?

Much love.




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