How To Spot Money Blocks (Check if you have any?)

money blocks money mindset

  Hey there, beautiful soul!

I know that the idea of having "money blocks" may sound strange to you or maybe you've never heard that term before  or you may even think" how on earth would I want to have money blocks"? Consciously, most people want and need money. Unfortunately not many people know that what happens on an unconscious level is what creates their reality.  We all have money blocks and we will all always have money blocks. With each next level of success there is the next level of money blocks.  It may feel daunting ( why bother if this will never go away) but actually you are able to become better and better as you work through your current money blocks and life will become easier when money won't be your problem anymore. ( There is an awesome free workshop I will share with you at the end of this post that will initiate your journey to wealth). So if you've been feeling stuck and blocked around money, this post will provide a great refresher for you.


This is usually an underlying belief, conditioning or fear about money that holds you back from making money and keeping it.  You may or may not be aware of it, but it's there.  Sometimes it's completely disguised yet literally ruining your finances. For example, you may not realise that you have money blocks, but at the same time, you may tell yourself that you are not good at being a business owner or aren't meant to be wealthy.  People are used to blaming outside circumstances as a way of protecting themselves against the feeling of failure and in many cases there might be real external factors preventing you from making money, but in most cases it's just EXCUSES, which are money blocks indeed.

For example....

• thinking that there aren't enough people out there to buy your services, the truth is, you may need to work more on your marketing to reach your ideal client.

• if you believe that it's a bad time to buy your product/services because of the economic situation, inflation and rising prices, then perhaps you can create a better offer? Where can you sell more but for less?       

 The external circumstances might be real, but you can find your way around it and if you don't, then it's a clear sign of money blocks.


Well the truth is that EVERYBODY has money blocks. At every level of financial wealth there are different money blocks. So working on your money blocks isn't one day, one book, one seminar, one workshop process. It's ongoing, daily thing you need to focus on.  Every time you hit a new financial level you are going to see the same money blocks crop up. The good thing is that you will start to recognise them  and deal with them much more quickly each time.

In the meantime I just want you to understand that if you are unable to create more money I am 100% sure it's " money blocks". 


A lot of people carry a subconscious belief that it's not ok, safe to be wealthy.  Inner, deeply ingrained negative stories about money and wealth. The most tricky part is that your conscious mind wants more success, more wealth, but  your inner subconscious programming is totally the opposite, creating huge inner conflict.  


" I prefer to be happy than rich".

" Rich people are rude and greedy".

" I don't care about money".

" I just want to be of service".

" Making money is extremely hard".

" I can either have money or time and fun".

Once you start working on your money blocks, you can observe how it sabotages you and your heart desires.  Think about it if you have a money block " I can either have money or time and fun", you will probably find that you constantly sabotage yourself to make it a self- fulfilling prophecy. You will procrastinate. You will be losing momentum. Doing everything else but not what you ought to do. But when you  consciously catch yourself doing these destructive behaviours, you can stop in the moment and remember that it's just your money blocks. You can control how you act in those situations.


Sometimes just finding and naming your money blocks is enough for them to disappear. Most blocks can be a lot harder to release. If you currently find yourself in a position where things are not shifting and you aren't even sure how and where to start? I have a great solution and it's totally free.  Recently, I have created an amazing training in which I help you to transform your relationship with money by guiding you through a very specific and successful process and sharing with you tools that you can use any time you experience money blocks. You can get it free today from Clearing Your Money Clutter.

Let's get started. xx

Much Love.



The Law Of Attraction And Money

Sharing Something Truly Powerful

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