Allow yourself to be a VIP while in airpot.

Allow yourself to be a VIP while in airpot. Have you ever used a credit card to collect air miles, have free access to airport lounges, and much more? You don't need to be rich to become money-savvy. As I sat in Gatwick airport lounge on Thursday, I realized how few people were using it. I was shocked. Maybe 1% of all airport clients were using the airport lounge. I wondered, is it just a lack of knowledge about the options? Or is there an emotional aspect behind it? Do people not feel entitled or worthy? Or is it something else?

When it comes to money and how we spend it, there are 8 money archetypes, which means people who behave in a specific way with money. We also have spenders and savers. Spendthrifts won't hesitate to get a loan or credit card, while savers are usually very careful and would prefer to avoid having credit cards or loans. Well, neither of the above is balanced or money-savvy. There is nothing wrong with saving or having credit cards. It's how we behave with them that matters. I am all about financial education and using money and credit cards to benefit you. I find having a credit card that gives me access to airport lounges is such a peace and money saver in the long run. Did you know about it? Yes, you pay a yearly fee for using your credit card, but if you know how to use it, not only do you get back your full fee, but you also get extra benefits on top of it. Most people use credit cards that offer no benefits, just high monthly charges. I used to do it too. I no longer do because I know that money can work for me.

Going back to airport lounges, I found them to be a great addition to my credit card. Not only do lounges give you a beautiful, peaceful space where you can sit and wait for your plane uninterrupted, but you also get all the delicious meals, desserts, and drinks which are included in the lounge. Not to mention their own toilets and the option to charge your phone/iPad, all in a peaceful, crowd-free space. I just love it. 

I am really inviting you to allow yourself to become a little more open to creating an abundant and nourishing relationship with money. Money can serve YOU, not the other way around. And you can become super money-savvy, allowing yourself to have a few more moments of luxury. And if you are already in possession of a great credit card that works well, share it with others here: which one and why? Much love.


The Law Of Attraction And Money

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