Creating Wealth From Within.

Abundance is not what you have but who you are. All these years I've been searching, chasing, learning. Most of the time, I was "hypnotised" by collective consciousness, believing that I needed more on a material level to feel happy and fulfilled. To feel satisfied. Even though, for the last few years, I have started to understand that it's not "things" that make me happy but " feelings" and most of the time, I hold the power to generate that feeling from within. Yes, some outside circumstances/ situations/ people can, for a moment, awaken that " feeling" in me and you, but it isn't sustainable in the long term. Today is a very special day for me. I have paid off a debt, it took me over two years to do it and I did it all using my own money. This event marks something even more important in my life, and it coincides with my first day of the moon, where I finally "birthed" from within "the feeling" my very "own feeling" called "ABUNDANCE" or, as the majority like to name it, " FEELING LIKE A MILLIONAIRE" inside... Feeling internally rich.
It's an incredible feeling that I can't really put into the words, and I still find it impossible to articulate it with you in a way that you can truly connect to my experience, because I am still digesting, partly shocked but definitely in awe of myself. Also, because I have finally truly celebrated, shared and acknowledged myself and my achievement. I have a tendency to create high standards and demand of myself a lot but it is hard for me to acknowledge the achievement, and so today I did. And it feels good. I feel like I finally truly know the path that leads not only to FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BUT EMOTIONAL TOO.
Actually, without emotional abundance, financial abundance never feels good. It didn't for me at least, as even though I am an asset millionaire, I chronically felt lack and scarcity and I didn't understand why? Now I see why so many wealthy people suffer. 


Yes, it's great to have a financial abundance, but in my case, it hadn't change the way I felt inside. And I kept repeating the same destructive patterns over and over again, recreating my deeply ingrained beliefs and old programming, it was exhausting. 

Now, it does feel a bit as if I woke up today and my reality changed instantly. I guess this is how other people feel when they say " I became a millionaire within 7 months, I will teach you how..." but the truth is that there was a journey before that led up to where I finally arrived and I don't really believe that it could have happen overnight. It takes all life up till that moment depending on how old we are....I am 47 years old, and " old me" would start criticising me that it took me so long to get where I am today, but " new me" know and trust that there is a Divine timing for everyone and I was meant to experience mine now. I have now encapsulated the essence of what is needed "to be wealthy and feel wealthy", and to save you time, money and unnecessary struggle, you can use my free resources 7 Secrets To Manifersting Fiancial Abundance or to join my 1:1 VIP Money Mindset Mastery Intensive  which is very special since you will be able to "energetically bathe" in the vortex that I will create and hold for you, and you will get clear steps on " how to" so that you can bring your deepest heart desires to fruition. We are all individuals with different stories and experiences and we all need different approaches. 

I hope that sharing this very personal experience, somehow, somewhere touched you, inspired you or imprinted on you something.


The Law Of Attraction And Money

Sharing Something Truly Powerful

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