Why don't you have what you want yet? And how to get it now.





Do you know that THE ONLY reason why people don't have what they want?

Don't live the way they want?

Is because of FEAR?

All the excuses, reasoning, justifications are just FEAR in disguise. On the surface, it may appear like lack of time, lack of finances, wrong time, not enough resources or knowledge, but after digging deeper you will always find the FEAR resides underneath.

How do you CONQUER IT?

There is no magic pill, or wand to help you. There is no special healer to take it away.

The only solution is to: FACE IT.

Do the thing, experience that scares you. Otherwise, the FEAR grows bigger and bigger and harder to deal with.

I have, had and will have many FEARS. We all have and will.It is just part of life. But I deal with it on a regular basis because I know it works.

I used to be terrified of speaking in a big group of people. I was shaking and my heart was pounding ( I thought everybody could hear it) but I kept joining the groups where I had to talk.

I was terrified about making my very first video.... ( not to mention live stream), now it's something I do on a weekly basis.

I have a fear of heights, but it doesn't stop me from taking lifts, climbing mountains, going on zip lanes, taking flights or jumping from a cliff and diving into the water.

Last week I did ICE COLD BATH ( I stayed there for 5 minutes). The moment before I entered the bath, I panicked. I thought " what if I die?" " what if my heart stops beating from shock?" what if..... what if ...

Don't let MONKEY MIND rob you of life experiences and opportunities.

Know, that it's all in your head.

Be scared and do it anyway.

You won't regret it, I promise.

The aftermath feeling is so worth it, this inner knowing that you are capable of so much more...

I would love to hear "what is your current biggest fear"? and "what fear are you committing to overcome?".



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