The most important lessons I learned about business and money during my ski holidays.

money mindset

If you follow my INSTAGRAM, account you probably know that we went away to the French Alps for ski holidays.

We had an amazing time. Perfect weather. Great people. Delicious food.

Stunning views.
I felt like I was in paradise.

This year I decided to have ski lessons.

I can ski but I am a self-taught skier.

I come from a mountainous region in Poland, so skiing is not a stranger to me.

I have skied since a very young age, but this year something changed and I felt the urge to have ski lessons and here is what has happened.....

Within 10 hours of ski classes, my skills improved greatly.

I can say that, for the first time in my life, I felt huge pleasure while skiing.

I felt like I finally knew what I was doing.

I was able to truly enjoy myself, because I acquired the necessary skills which allowed me to fully relax while skiing, and just enjoy, feeling the sun and breeze on my face.

Admiring beautiful mountains around me, instead of worrying about being able to keep my balance and not fall.

My skiing technique during those 10 hours has improved more than during the last 20 years of self-taught skiing.

By now you probably know what I am trying to say....

When it comes to business and money, you only know what you know.

If you don't have a teacher, the progress is really slow or none.

This is why people very often get discouraged and give up.

They think they have to do and figure out everything for themselves and if they can't, they give up or never enjoy the real pleasure of WEALTH and SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, just struggle.

Constant struggle.

Here are the TWO lessons I learned about money and business:

  1. Invest in what you want to learn or improve, you will achieve your goal so much faster and you will enjoy it. (ex: creating £10k/month income in 6 months instead of 6years or never).

  2. Having a coach/mentor is like having a life buoy when learning new skills. You go much further and much faster because you have no fear, as you know that, if anything, you have somebody to go to and ask for support.

People go to schools, universities, and colleges. Studying for years to learn skills, yet when it comes to money or business they try to work it out on their own, wasting time and money.

I guess my message to you, my dearest friend, is that if you struggle with money, and you did for as long as you remember, the truth is that it will continue this way until you find out what your money blocks are?

What is your relationship with money like?

And when it comes to business:

What negative beliefs do you have about being a business owner?

We all have so many negative beliefs about money and owning a business and before we clear it, things will stay the same.

Same old money story and the same old business story.

I know I am sounding very depressing right now, but this is the truth and reality and I can't help but be direct and speak the truth.

At the same time, I am coming up with a solution that will support your evolution and growth.

I know how to remove your negative money blocks so that you can start create financial ABUNDANCE now.

I know what to to transform your relationship with money and healing your money story.

Over the last few years, I healed so much and it shows in my own assets.

I have accumulated 1 million in assets.

I have a diversity of properties, crypto, and precious metals and I invested in companies.

It pays off to educate ourselves about money and business and my money education started only around 8 years ago.

A lot can happen in 8 years and, equally, nothing can happen in 8 years.

We are making a choice. Consciously or not?

I recommend you to start with "Money Mindset Journal"

Clear your negative money beliefs and open the flow of financial abundance now.

It's amazing how, as soon as you start this work, you will notice EXTRAORDINARY changes.

Unexpected inheritance. Opportunity. Job offers. Winning the lottery.


Because MONEY is an energy and as soon as you start to heal and send

open, positive, and healthy FOCUS towards it, it will naturally grow.

If you haven't yet, get your journal here:"Money Mindset Journal"

With Love




The Law Of Attraction And Money

Sharing Something Truly Powerful

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