Why now is the best time to go within?

 When the light of the outer sun

is faintest and its warmth feeblest,

now is the time when the soul

withdraws into the darkness

but can find within itself

the inner, spiritual light.

Rudolph Steiner

Dear All,

I am not sure where you are tuning in from but here in the northern Hemisphere we just welcomed Winter Solstice. Days are short, cold and gloomy.

There is a natural pull to stay inside a cosy house by the fireplace, drinking hot chocolate, reading books, reflecting on life or maybe just watching the fire?

It's also a great time for inner inquiry? How do I feel about my life?

What would I want to improve? Change? Let go off?

What would I want to create?

Winter, it's time to sow the seed.

And if the seed is well planted and cared for, it will grow into a beautiful plant during spring and summer, creating an abundant crop.

And so, translating it into our own actions, winter is a great time to plan. Create intentions and heart centred goals, sowing the seeds which in spring will turn into inspired action and then RESULTS, that feels good, fulfilling and satisfying.

Today I wanted to encourage you to think about yourself.

Taking care of yourself.

Your desires.

Please yourself.

Christmas can be a very stressful, fast-paced time filled with worry, anxiety and frustrations if not navigated from the truth of our own hearts.

So many people still find it hard to stay true to themselves and say "NO" to toxic family gatherings.

Say "NO" to traditions they don't feel aligned with.

"NO" to celebrate the way that doesn't light them up.

Maybe you too find yourself doing things the same way year after year even though it doesn't even make you happy or bring you joy anymore?

You just do it because you feel pressure and expectations from others?

Not wanting to disappoint anyone, even though you are disappointing and letting yourself down?

I get it, it isn't easy, but maybe the seed that you want to sow this Christmas/ Winter is the seed of COURAGE, or seeds of TRUTH, where you can start saying NO to things/events/gathering/traditions that doesn't light you up anymore?

Maybe you can start preparing fertile soil for this beautiful seed of COURAGE now, so with strong foundations it can survive all the challenges that will be thrown at it as it grows?

Remember: Your Life Is To Be Lived And Enjoyed On Your Terms.

Sending you much love and light.

 Maybe you want to share with me what seed are you sowing this year? Just hit the reply button, I would love to hear from you.


P.S. I created this powerful and surprising training about why most people repel money. And how can you reverse it, so you attract more



The Law Of Attraction And Money

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