Money Is Spiritual.

money mindset

Money Is Spiritual.

Money Beliefs to help you embody financial wealth.

If you are spiritual like I am. Chances are that you have tons of negative beliefs about money and especially when it comes to charging for your services. There was a time when I quit my business because I experienced a huge spiritual awakening and as a result, all the negative beliefs about money and charging for my services surfaced so powerfully that I decided that I can't charge for my work since I feel so much divinity within me. So I stopped offering my AMAZING SERVICES....

Now, I do not recommend you to EVER do it.

I learned the hard way. Very hard, but I learned my lesson and here I am sharing with you NEW money beliefs and why it is spiritual and necessary for you to make money:

1. Money allows you to reach out to more people and help them.

2. The more money you make the more difference you can create in the world. Money is a powerful tool and in the process of making it, you will gain confidence, self-worth, voice, and leadership. Healing money wounds is all about healing yourself from doubt, and unworthiness. It's not about money. It's about self-love. You either hold in your heart; fear, doubt, judgment, scarcity, or love, courage, passion, and abundance.

3. The more money you create the more you break away from

old conditioning that isn't of service to you or the people around you and you get more and more aligned with your true self and authentic feminine leadership.

4. When you make money, you subconsciously permit those around you to receive more too.

5. Money gives you freedom, opportunity, peace..... fill in the blank....
And so if you find yourself shying away when it comes to charging, receiving and creating financial abundance Irecommendyoustartwith "Money Mindset Journal".

Clear your negative money beliefs and open the flow of financial abundance now.

It's amazing how, as soon as you start this work, you will notice EXTRAORDINARY changes.

Unexpected inheritance. Opportunity. Job offers. Winning the lottery.


Because MONEY is an energy and as soon as you start to heal and send open, positive, and healthy FOCUS towards it, it will naturally grow.

If you haven't yet, get your journal here:

"Money Mindset Journal"


The Law Of Attraction And Money

Sharing Something Truly Powerful

Transform Your Relationship with Money in 12 Simple Steps