Hey there! I'am Anna.    

I am here to help you create unlimited prosperity by mastering your relationship with money.

If you are a coach, healer, therapist, spiritual teacher or soulful entrepreneur who struggle with consistent cash flow in your business than look no further as this beautiful Money Mindset Journal will instantly initiate healing your relationship with money.

Yes Please!

Hey there! I'm Anna

I am here to help you create unlimited prosperity by mastering your relationship with money.

If you are a coach, healer, therapist, spiritual teacher or soulful entrepreneur who struggle with consistent cash flow in your business than look no further as this beautiful Money Mindset Journal will instantly initiate healing your relationship with money.

Yes please.

I am here to help you create WEALTH through removing your money blocks and transforming your relationship with money.



My journey to creating healthy relationship with money has started about 8 years ago when I first transitioned from private counselling practice to being a mentor/coach. At the time, I didn't even know that, there was such a term/thing like Money Mindset.

Nobody ever told me about it? Ever....

At the very beginning of my career I have come across this high level coach who was charging £10k for her year long  group program.

The amount of money I couldn't even bring myself to think about spending.

 Yet something inside me was screaming to sign up for her program.

I didn't even have this amount of money in my account.

At the time I was working in my Private Counselling Practice. Trading time for money.

I loved my work but I quickly realised that I would need to work endless hours to earn the money I wanted and actually never live my dream life which at the time was all about FREEDOM; "money, time and location".

And so without telling ANYONE I have signed up for the mentorship  and this is when my journey to creating positive relationship with money started. 

I used to charge £60/per hour for Counselling session and within few months I was earning £250/hour.

I am not saying this to brag.

I just want to show you, that MONEY IS NEUTRAL. You give it the meaning. Actually your belief system.

Which in my case went from "Nobody will pay me £250/per hour", "Who am I to ask for this amount of money" to charging it.

During that year I  learnt two very important lessons.

1.People pay for a VALUE you deliver.

2. There is A LOT OF WEALTHY

PEOPLE out there who would love to pay you for your services.



Money Mindset Journal

Today is the day! Let's do this!


Yes, I want this journal for £7

If you want to:

  • Heal your relationship with money once and for all so that you have consistent cash flow in your business.
  • To consciously choose what you deeply desire instead of settling for what you can afford.
  • Sell your amazing services feeling empowered to charge what you deserve instead of constantly discounting your offerings.
  • Create financial  freedom by healing your "money wounds" and opening to the unlimited prosperity and abundance that awaits you.

But you don't want to:

  • Continue struggling financially 
  • Being stuck in a negative relationship with money
  • Not being rewarded for your time and work.


AND you don't know:

  • Where to start? 
  • How to create change?
  • How to break your negative money patterns?
  • Don't even know what your negative beliefs and patterns are?

If this sounds familiar 

and all you want is a clear guidance and proven process to help you start transforming your relationship with money without paying ridiculous amount of money....

Then this is for you.

YES! I want this Journal for £7

Here's exactly what you'll get:

  • Daily Affirmations, to help you rewire your Money Mindset
  • 59 Questions, which will immediately set you on the journey to self discovery and healing your relationship with money.
  • BONUS play sheet "Discovering What You Want ".





Frequently asked questions

Q:I am new entrepreneur and never explored my relationship with money. Will this still work for me?

A: Absolutely! I truly believe that before starting any business, the relationship with money needs to be healed first so that you can avoid unnecessary financial struggle while you building your business.

Q: I've been in business for a while but still find it hard to create consistent cash flow. Will I find value in the Journal?

A: Yes, this Journal will help you identify your negative beliefs and bring awareness to your relationship with money. Only then you can start releasing what isn' t serving you anymore.

Q: Does this only work for entrepreneurs?

A: No, this actually works for ANYONE who experience financial struggle.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with your Money Mindset Journal immediately after your purchase.