Money MindsetĀ Journal

Step into the enchanting world of the Money Mindset Journal, where your journey to financial liberation begins.

Hey there! I'm Anna

I am here to help you create unlimited prosperity by mastering your relationship with money.

If you are a coach, healer, therapist, spiritual teacher or soulful entrepreneur who struggle with consistent cash flow in your business than look no further as this beautiful Money Mindset Journal will instantly initiate healing your relationship with money. It's time to rewrite your money story and embrace a life of limitless abundance.

Imagine this...


You hold in your hands a journal that holds the keyĀ to unlocking your deepest desires. As you open its pages, you embark on a soul-stirring adventure, guided by 59 thought-provoking questions that will gently unravel the layers of your money blocks. With each question, you peel back the old narratives that have held you back, making way for a fresh, empowering mindset that paves the path to wealth and prosperity.

But this journal is more than ink on paper. It's a heartfelt companion that whispers affirmations of love, abundance, and self-worth into your soul every day.Ā With every stroke of your pen, you cultivate a new narrative, one that aligns with your truest desires and beckons the universe to conspire in your favor.

And there's moreā€”a special bonus awaits you within these sacred pages. Discover a precious sheet designed to illuminate your life purpose. As you delve into its depths, you'll find clarity and guidance, as if the universe itself is gently nudging you towards your true calling. Uncover the magic that lies within, and let your purpose illuminate your path to financial success.

But what makes this journal truly remarkable is its tender embrace of your journey. It's a story of resilience, strength, and the indomitable spirit that resides within you. It's a testament to the transformative power that lies in rewriting your money story and rewriting your life.

Every word, every question, every affirmation has been carefully crafted to touch your heart and awaken your inner goddess of abundance. As you immerse yourself in its pages, you'll feel the warmth of unconditional love and unwavering support, reminding you that you are worthy of all the riches the universe has to offer.

So, beautiful soul, are you ready to embark on this transformational odyssey? Are you ready to release the chains that bind you and step into a life of financial freedom? The Money Mindset Magic Journal is your sacred tool, your ally, and your guide. It beckons you to embrace your worth, rewrite your story, and manifest the abundant life that is your birthright.

Open your heart, take that leap of faith, and immerse yourself in the magic of the Money Mindset Magic Journal. Let your story become a testament to the extraordinary power within you. Are you ready to claim your abundance?

Yes, I'm Ready



  • Heal your relationship with money once and for all so that you have consistent cash flow in your business.
  • To consciously choose what you deeply desire instead of settling for what you can afford.
  • Sell your amazing services feeling empowered to charge what you deserve instead of constantly discounting your offerings.
  • Create financial Ā freedom by healing your "money wounds" and opening to the unlimited prosperity and abundance that awaits you.


  • Continue struggling financiallyĀ 
  • Being stuck in a negative relationship with money
  • Not being rewarded for your time and work.


  • Where to start?Ā 
  • How to create change?
  • How to break your negative money patterns?
  • Don't even know what your negative beliefs and patterns are?


and all you want is a clear guidance and proven process to help you start transforming your relationship with money without paying ridiculous amount of money....



Daily Affirmations, to help you rewire your Money Mindset
59 Questions, which will immediately set you on the journey to self discovery and healing your relationship with money.
BONUS play sheet "Discovering What You Want ".
I Want the Money Mindset Journal


Let's do this!

Money Mindset Journal


Best Price

  • Daily Affirmations, to help you rewire your Money Mindset
  • 59 Questions, which will immediately set you on the journey to self discovery and healing your relationship with money.
  • BONUS play sheet "Discovering What You Want "
  • 70 pages book with inspiring quotes on each page
  • This copy of the journal is digital only
Yes, I want this Journal



Empowering Female Entrepreneurs to Flourish in Financial Abundance

In a world where money can often become a source of stress and anxiety, I stand as a guiding light, leading womenpreneurs towards a harmonious and empowered relationship with their finances. As a soulful money coach, my mission is to help you transform your money mindset, releasing the chains of fear and scarcity, and embracing a loving and abundant connection with money, regardless of your current financial status.

I believe that true financial transformation begins within the depths of your soul. With my deep understanding of the intricate connection between money and emotions, I combine intuitive insights with practical financial wisdom to help you rewrite your money story. Together, we'll replace negative patterns with positive habits and emotions that breed prosperity and joy.

For years, I have witnessed the struggle of female entrepreneurs as they navigate the complex realm of finances. It is this very struggle that led me to embrace my calling as a soulful money coach, offering a unique approach that goes beyond spreadsheets and numbers. My mission is to create a safe and nurturing space for you, fostering an environment of trust and vulnerability where you can explore your relationship with money without judgment.

With an empathetic heart and an intuitive soul, I uncover the root causes of your financial fears and anxieties that may be holding you back from reaching your true potential. I believe that financial freedom is not limited to bank accounts alone, but extends to every aspect of your life. Through my coaching, I aim to inspire you to step into your power, claim your worth, and boldly embrace the abundant life you deserve.

One of my core beliefs is that money is a tool for transformation and impact. Together, we will align your financial goals with your soul's purpose, empowering you to make conscious choices that resonate with your deepest values.

Through this alignment, you will experience a newfound sense of freedom and joy as you build a purpose-driven business that makes a difference in the world. Throughout my career as a soulful money coach, I have witnessed countless success stories of women who have risen above financial challenges to create thriving businesses and fulfilled lives. My unique blend of financial expertise, spiritual wisdom, and compassionate guidance has garnered recognition and praise from women entrepreneurs worldwide.

When I'm not empowering womenpreneurs to flourish in financial abundance, you can find me immersing myself in nature, seeking inspiration and grounding in the beauty that surrounds me. I cherish moments of quiet reflection, embracing the profound insights that come from the whispers of the universe.

With a heart filled with purpose and passion, I continue to make a lasting impact in the lives of female entrepreneurs. I am a beacon of hope, guiding you towards a future filled with financial confidence, love, and empowerment. My work is not just about money; it's about reclaiming your power, finding inner peace, and creating a ripple effect of positive change in the world.

If you're a female entrepreneur seeking to rewrite your money story, create financial harmony, and embrace a loving relationship with money, I am your dedicated ally on this transformative journey. Together, we will embark on an extraordinary path of growth, unlocking the abundant possibilities that await you. Step into your financial power today, and watch as your dreams unfold in ways beyond your wildest imagination.

Embark on this enchanting journey of self-discovery, healing, and financial empowerment.

Let the Money Mindset Magic Journal be your key to unlocking the extraordinary life you deserve.

I Want the Money Mindset Journal